Messages from Diverse Sources
Friday, November 1, 2024
Prayer Is the Answer
Message from Our Lady of Emmitsburg to the World Through Gianna Talone-Sullivan, Emmitsburg, ML, USA on November 1, 2024 - All Saints Day

My dear little children, praised be Jesus!
This country is in a serious warfare against evil. All world leaders are looking to this upcoming election to see who the next cabinet oƯice will be. Please pray, pray, pray. The integrity of this election has been compromised. The forces and powers of fascism, communism, and aƯluence from media are buying and controlling people with false promises and untruths. You will never have a free country if illegal immigrants are paid to vote who are not even citizens of your country. Guard your souls and stand for God’s Truth, Liberty, and Justice for All. Seek God alone and aspire to Glory in His Love and Will.
Prayer is the answer. Little children of True Love, have an unfailing confidence in Me, your Mother. God has never said no to My prayer. Draw near, I will not reject you. Pray to the Saints who praise and adore Him. Fuse yourselves into the glory and brilliance of the life, love, warmth, health, and comfort of God’s Will.
I will intercede for you and win the grace of victory and strength for you.
Be at peace, My children. I invite your conduct to be like Mine. Be kind, prayerful, confident, and Trust in God. Preserve a humble heart and do not follow the quest for the world’s glory, or the esteem of people through the world’s honor.
The Saints are here to minister and to help you. Pray to them.
Peace to you. Thank you for responding to My call.
Ad Deum
Rejoice, let us all, in the Lord at the celebration of the feast day in honor of all the saints.
At their feast, the angels rejoice and sing the praises of the Son of God.
(Ps. 32,1) Rejoice, you righteous, in the Lord: for praise is the duty of the good.
V Glory be...